Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Natural Remedies For High Blood Pressure

High blood pressure(Hypertension) refers to the increase in the force of the blood against the arteries(Blood vessels) High Blood pressure is a silent killer, it symptoms are not noticeable at the early stages, until it reaches its severe stage.

Causes Of High Blood Pressure

They are several cause of high blood pressure and the include
  • Illegal drugs
  • Aging
  • Genetic influence
  • Environmental factors.

Symptoms Of High Blood Pressure

Some of the symptoms of high blood presser include
  • Nose Bleeding
  • Dull Headaches
  • Dizzy Spells 

Natural Cure To High Blood Pressure

Ingredient: Mistletoe Flower, and Corn hairs/silk

Preparation: Boil mistletoe flower and drink as tea. OR boil the corn silk or make an infusion of it and drink as tea 


Take 1 cup, 2 times daily for 2 weeks.
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