Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Natural Remedies For High Blood Pressure

High blood pressure(Hypertension) refers to the increase in the force of the blood against the arteries(Blood vessels) High Blood pressure is a silent killer, it symptoms are not noticeable at the early stages, until it reaches its severe stage.

Causes Of High Blood Pressure

They are several cause of high blood pressure and the include
  • Illegal drugs
  • Aging
  • Genetic influence
  • Environmental factors.

Symptoms Of High Blood Pressure

Some of the symptoms of high blood presser include
  • Nose Bleeding
  • Dull Headaches
  • Dizzy Spells 

Natural Cure To High Blood Pressure

Ingredient: Mistletoe Flower, and Corn hairs/silk

Preparation: Boil mistletoe flower and drink as tea. OR boil the corn silk or make an infusion of it and drink as tea 


Take 1 cup, 2 times daily for 2 weeks.

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Unicef Cuts Cost of Vaccine That Protects Against 5 Diseases

The United Nations Children’s Fund has made a deal with six vaccine manufacturers that will cut in half the price of a shot that protects children against five diseases, the fund announced last week. The deal will mean three years’ worth of vaccine at an average price of 84 cents a dose; buyers currently pay about $1.84, according to Unicef. Unicef will buy about 450 million doses for 80 of the world’s poorest countries. Low- and middle-income countries purchasing vaccine for themselves can also qualify for the lower prices, Unicef said. The vaccine protects against diphtheria, tetanus, whooping cough, hepatitis B and Haemophilus influenzae Type B (known as Hib). Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance, estimates that the shots will prevent more than five million deaths by the year 2020. In 2001, only one company made the so-called pentavalent vaccine. As more companies have started offering it, Unicef has forced them to compete by holding several rounds of bidding for large contracts and publishing all of the prices that were offered. Another advantage of an expanded market is that vaccine plants can develop sterility problems that force them to shut down for cleaning and repairs. Having multiple manufacturers ensures against shortages, which can be disastrous during epidemics. Measles shots and doses of vitamin A are among the chief reasons t the number of children who die before reaching age 5 has dropped sharply. The number was about 10 million a year 10 years ago; it is now approaching five million a year. But the diseases prevented by the pentavalent vaccine kill many of the youngest infants. Progress saving those lives has been slower. The Hib bacterium alone, for example, kills about 350,000 children a year. The pentavalent shot is typically given to each baby three times — at 6 weeks, 10 weeks and 14 weeks. Measles vaccine and vitamin A are usually not given until about 9 months.

Thursday, October 20, 2016

Children 14 or Under Need Fewer H.P.V. Vaccine Doses

Children 11 to 14 years old need only two doses of the H.P.V. vaccine, not the previously recommended three doses, to protect against cervical cancer and other cancers caused by the human papillomavirus, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said on Wednesday.
But teenagers and young adults who start the vaccinations later, at ages 15 through 26, should stick with the three-dose regimen, the disease centers said.
The new advice is based on a review of studies showing that two doses in the younger group “produced an immune response similar or higher than the response in young adults (aged 16 to 26 years) who received three doses,” the diseases centers said in a statement. The two doses should be given at least six months apart, the agency said.
The statement also noted that the two-dose schedule will make the process simpler and easier for families to complete and could increase the number of young teenagers who receive the vaccine. Despite the vaccine’s proven effectiveness, immunization rates have remained low.
H.P.V. is a group of more than 150 related viruses, according to the disease centers. They are spread by intimate, skin-to-skin contact, and by vaginal, oral and anal intercourse. H.P.V. is so common that nearly all sexually active people become infected at some point. In most people, the immune system destroys the virus. But in some, the infection lingers. Some viral strains cause genital warts, and others can cause cancers of the cervix, vagina, vulva, penis and back of the throat.
Every year, about 17,600 women and 9,300 men in the United States are affected by cancers caused by H.P.V., and about 180,000 women and 160,000 men develop genital warts caused by the viruses.
Vaccination is recommended for preteenagers and early teenagers, ideally before they become sexually active, because the vaccine works best if given before a person is exposed to H.P.V. But the disease centers still recommends vaccination for young people who have already had sex, saying that it should provide “at least some protection.”

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

DO YOU KNOW: Marijuana May Lower Bone Density Than Cigarette Smokers

Study finds heavy users have lower bone density than cigarette smokers

People who are very heavy users of pot have more than twice the risk of suffering a broken bone compared to people who only smoke tobacco cigarettes, the study found. Heavy pot users also had lower bone density compared to cigarette smokers, the researchers said. "The take-home point for patients is relatively clear: heavy marijuana use does not promote bone health," said Dr. Matthew Hepinstall. He's an orthopaedic surgeon at the Lenox Hill Hospital Center for Joint Preservation and Reconstruction in New York City.

Monday, October 17, 2016

Sleeping Naked Is The Best Way To Sleep

Sleeping can offer numerous health benefits, but did you know you could take it to the next level by sleeping naked? Our friends at YourTango share the benefits of sleeping in the nude.Put on your birthday suit and snoooooze. What do you get when you have a good night's sleep? You have better health, a better sex life, less chronic pain from injuries, a clearer memory, better mood, and much more. And a new study says that, in order to get the full benefits of sleep, you should go to bed in your birthday suit. According to a Forbes article, only 8 percent of people sleep naked, but it has significant benefits to your health... and your wealth. Here are 4 reasons you should sleep naked.

1. You sleep better overall.

When you sleep better, your brain works better. A University of Rochester study found that sleeping allows your brain to remove toxic proteins from your brain neurons. These toxic neurons negatively affect your ability to think and process information. And further studies found that in order to get the best sleep, you have to lower your skin temperature. This can happens when you're not wearing anything else that provides warmth, i.e., clothes.

2. You are less stressed.

In order to avoid high levels of stress, you need proper rest, especially after a long day. And how do you get proper rest? That's right... sleeping in the nude.

3. You lose weight.

According to a study by the U.S. National Institutes of Health, keeping your body temperature cool "speeds the body's metabolism because your body creates more brown fat to keep you warm," which produces 300 more times heat than any of your other organs. This boosts your metabolism. Also, no clothes mean less restriction, which improves your blood circulation.

4. You'll feel confident.

Everybody wants to feel confident in their own skin, right? What better way to start than sleeping naked? So go ahead and give it a try tonight.